Professional, Confidential Counselling and Therapy

306-665-6661 306-664-8589
617C Main Street E, Saskatoon Saskatchewan S7H 0J8
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Christa Morhart, M. Ed., Registered Psychologist #789

February 2, 2018

Christa has a Master’s of Education in Counselling from the University of Saskatchewan and over 15 years of experience working with diverse populations in the human service field. She provides counselling to individuals, couples, and families. Previously, Christa was employed at University of Saskatchewan Student Counselling Services, Catholic Family Services Saskatoon, and Child & Youth Mental Health Services in Alberta.

Christa’s areas of practice include: life transitions, grief/loss, separation & divorce, family of origin, impact of trauma and sexual abuse, communication, assertiveness, anger, boundaries, healthy relationships (including same sex couples), self-image, body image & eating concerns, depression, anxiety, addictions, self-harm, coping with stress, and finding work/life balance.

Christa uses an eclectic approach, drawing on a variety of counselling theories (cognitive behavioral therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, systems theory, solution focused therapy, somatic experiencing, mindfulness, feminist and strength-based approaches).  She believes in a holistic approach to mental wellness: supporting the “whole” person, taking into consideration the mental, emotional, physical, social and spiritual states of well-being. She also believes in the idea of the therapist as a fellow traveler. “The therapist is not just an observer of the client’s emotional journey or even a disinterested guide, but a fellow traveler, resonating with the client’s sadness, anger, and anxiety.”

Throughout Christa’s years as a therapist in various settings, she has facilitated presentations/workshops on topics such as grief, coping with a sudden loss, communication and conflict resolution, self-esteem, children exposed to violence, and burnout prevention/self-care, and effective coping and decision making for various community agencies, parenting after separation and divorce, celebrating women (self-image), raising boys/building heroes, life skills for teens, and a body image/eating concerns group.

Christa has advanced training in:

  • Working with Victims of Domestic Abuse: Integrating Responses and Resistance (Dec 2012)
  • Solution Focused Treatment Approaches for PTSD (Oct 2012)
  • Shame and the Treatment of Trauma (May 2012)
  • Forgiveness and Healing: Applications in Clinical Practice (May 2012)
  • Integrating Mindfulness into Clinical Practice (October 2010)
  • Eating Disorders:  Navigating Treatment Difficulties (April 2010)

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